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Corkbark Fir     Abies lasiocarpa ssp arizonica    Zone 5

Alpine (also called Subalpine) Fir is a mountain fir of the west coast which grows over a wide area in the western US from New Mexico to Alaska. It can grow to 100-160 feet tall and a trunk of 4 feet but can be found as a small shrub on exposed mountaintops. Needles are short in the range of 1 to 1 1/2" long and are often pointed upward and branches droop downward. The bark is a corky creamy white. It is native to cool, moist climates but has been grown successfully near Chicago with plenty of soil space around the tree for root expansion. It tolerates snow loads well. Trees in the forest can grow to more than 80 feet tall.  Firs like an organic soil or organic matter incorporated into the potential root zone. Irrigate them in times of drought. Allow for good drainage or plants will decline. This plant can be used as a substitute for Blue Spruce.

Click on the blue link below to see Corkbark fir prices

Corkbark Fir Close up of Corkbark Fir

Order by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone. For your convenience, we have a toll free number  800 568-9179.  Phone orders can be charged to VISA or MasterCard accounts.

Order by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.