Green Giant Arborvitae are a cross between the Western (giant red cedar) and the Japanese cedar. Two of their best characteristics are their fast growth and resistance to deer browse. It is important to note that they are toxic to livestock and should not be planted where they might be consumed. With water and fertilizer, they can grow up to five foot in one growing season. The Green Giant is often being used to replace the Leyland cypress in plantings. Currently the Leyland cypress is dealing with a few different disease issues, while the green giant has remained free from any major problems. Leaves on the green giant are scaley and form, glossy, fans of greenery. They are tolerant to wind and hold up well to ice, resisting breakage. When planting in a single row they can be placed 5-6′ apart for a privacy screen. If there is room, ideally, they should be planted in two rows with 8′ spacing all around the trees.