Mycorrhizal Root Dip Packet


Treats 300 seedlings (fewer transplants can be treated with one package)

Benefits from Mycorrihzal Dip

  • Improves soil and plant ecosystem
  • Increases plant growth and establishment
  • Reduces transplanting stress and plant loss
  • Increases nutrient and water uptake
  • Improves soil structure and porosity
  • Reduces the amount of fertilizer needed
from 0 pcs.
$14.50 $14.50


Mycorrhiza is the relationship between the plant root and beneficial fungi. The roots of most plants are colonized by the fungus. This colonization extends far into the soil and are extensions of the root system.

Mycorrhizal fungi is found in undisturbed soils with other beneficial soil organisms. Today’s common practices such as tillage, site preparation, road and home construction, minind and removal of topsoil can degrade the mycorrhizal forming potential of soil. The fungi improve the ability of plants to utilize the soil resources by ten to hundreds of times.


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3 oz