Spruce, Serbian

Scientific Name: Picea omorika
Zone: 4-7
Mature Height: 50-60 ft
Mature Width: 20-25 ft
Growth Rate: 6-12″
Soil:  Moist well drained, loamy soil. Can tolerate some clay or sand. Does not do well with standing water.
Sun Requirements: Sun, Partial Sun
Fall Color: None
Wildlife Value: Great cover. Deer and porcupines eat the bark of the tree.

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Naturally growing in Serbia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, the Serbian Spruce only has a few areas of native habitat remaining. It has done well in the midwestern and the eastern United States and is adaptable to many conditions. Serbian Spruce makes a great specimen tree, but they are also pretty when planted in a grouping.  They mature into a nice, pyramidal shape without shearing.

They have a beautiful, shiny green needle that has silver bands on the underside. When crushed, the needles smell like citrus. Their needles are flat and around 1/2″ to 1″ long. Serbian Spruce has graceful drooping branches and nice, dense foliage.  Cones on the Serbian Spruce are 1 1/4 – 2″ long and a pretty violet-purple color.