Dogwood, Silky


Scientific Name: Cornus amomum
Zone: 4-8
Mature Height: 6-10 ft
Mature Width: 6-10 ft
Growth Rate: 12-24″
Soil:  Prefers rich, constantly wet soils. Can tolerate dryer sites and even heavy clay.
Sun Requirements: Full to Partial Sun
Fall Color: Orange or Red, fading to Purple
Wildlife Value: Berries are eaten by songbirds.

0+ pcs.
$3.25-$4.90 $3.25-$4.90
SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag:


Silky dogwood can grow from 6-10′ tall and are hardy from zone 4 through 8. The leaves of this dogwood are elliptical, 2-4″ long with white or brownish hairs on the veins and turn a dark red in the fall. Silky dogwood has a medium rate of growth and yellowish-white flowers in May. They fruit of the silky dogwood are a pale blue color and 1/4″ in size. Many birds enjoy the berries. They are a wonderful native plant for wildlife.

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12-18", 18-24", 6-12"