Boris-Regis Fir Abies borissi-regis
Habitat. Pyramidal shape. Grows to 100
Leaves. Needles on the boris regis fir are
about 1" long, pointed, with a slight upward lift.
Fruit. Cones are conical to 7" long.
Winter Buds. Are slightly resinous.
Bark. Young branches are somewhat yellowish.
Distribution. Native of eastern Europe
mountains from Bulgaria to Greece.
Other. Also known as King Boris Fir, first
discovered in 1920's in Bulgaria.
Cultivars. Unknown
Call for B+B prices.
To order Boris Regis fir seedling by PHONE:
We're glad to take your order by phone. Call 231-544-6769 Phone orders can be charged to VISA, American Express,
Disaster or MasterCard accounts.
To order Boris regis fir seedlings by MAIL: For those who wish to
order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to:
Porcupine Hollow Farm
8593 W. State Rd. Central Lake, Mi. 49622
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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are
shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.
Please include 20% shipping and packaging with
your order.
Minimum shipping $15
Residents add 6% sales tax.