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Japanese Red Maple   Acer palmatum atropurpureum Z 5-8


Habitat. The Japanese maple is a relatively slow growing tree at about a foot a year. .  The average size of a mature Japanese Maple is between 15-25'. Some of the lace leaf varieties of Japanese Maple only grow to 7'. Protect Japanese Maple from drying winds and direct sun and provide well-drained, acid soil with plenty of organic matter, particularly in the southern part of its range. Japanese Maple leaves often scorch in hot summer weather in hardiness zones 7b and 8, unless they are in some shade or irrigated during dry weather.  More direct sun can be tolerated in the northern part of the range. In the far north it is best to plant Japanese Maples on the South-east side of a structure to protect it from the cold winter winds. Good drainage is important, so don't allow water to stand around the roots. Japanese Red Maple grow fine on clay soils as long as the ground is sloped so water does not accumulate in the soil. It does not tolerate salt. Responds well to several inches of mulch placed beneath the canopy but remove mulch before winter to keep the mice away. Be sure to clear all the grass away from beneath the branches to reduce competition. Train the trunks and branches on Japanese Maple so they will not touch each other. Eliminate or remove some secondary branches on main branches with included bark or those which are likely to develop it as soon as possible. This reduces the likelihood of one splitting from the tree later when it has grown to become an important part of the landscape. Locate the tree properly, taking into account the ultimate size since the tree looks best if it is not pruned to control size.  This Japanese Maple saplings makes an excellent bonsai tree.

Leaves. The leaf is 2-4", simple, 5-7 lobes, opposite, serrated and palm shaped, hence the name palmatum. The leaves are persistent and in our greenhouse grown Japanese maples some will hang on thru the winter.

Flowers. The flowers are inconspicuous, red, opening with the new leaves

Fruit. Small, wide spreading winged whirlybird. The seed ripen in the fall.

Winter Buds. Twigs are slender with small red buds.



Uses. Probably the single most attractive tree or shrub for landscaping.

Pests. There are very few diseases that affect this Maple. Canker, scales and aphids are a few of the problems.


Other. Our Japanese Red Maple trees ( Acer palmatum) are a seed grown variety from the 'bloodgood' cultivar.  Being seed grown these maples will have some genetic variability and will produce roughly 85% red and the rest will run from red to green. The red color is caused by the pigment xanthocyanin. Japanese Red Maple can be  large shrub or small tree, has a layered look as a hemlock or dogwood, and tends to leaf out early, so it may be injured by spring frosts. A Japanese red Maple tree can enhance any landscape with its delightful spring flush of foliage. It can be the centerpiece of your landscape if properly located.

Cultivars.   There are nearly 200 known cultivars of the Acer palmatum. We plan to expand our offerings into the grafted cultivars so stay tuned.

  A bundle of 12-18" Japanese Red Maple  Japanese Red Maple leaf   Seed grown Red Japanese Maple in my back yard The leaves are hanging on into November

To buy Japanese Maple by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone @ 231-544-6769.  Phone orders can be charged to VISA, Discover or MasterCard accounts.

To buy Japanese Maple by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

              click here for prices and to order Red Japanese Maple

 click here for Green Japanese Maple

Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.