Wholesale & Retail Sales
Pat & Laura, Molly Hanlon Sundstrom


   Red Cedar Z 5-9  Diameter to 2', 25 - 50' tall

Juniperus Virginiana

 Habitat.  Red Cedar is commonly seen in the Midwest in farm pastures as cows do not like the sharp needles or the taste. It prefers loamy soil on sunny slopes and dry rocky hills. Small to medium sized tree..

Leaves. The red cedar needles are about 1/6" long, opposite,  persist for 5-6 years and from a distance the tree has a somewhat similar look to a northern white cedar. Though both are called cedars they are in totally different family of trees, the Red Cedar is in the Juniper family and the White Cedar is in the Arborvitae family. Needles tend to brown over winter.

Flowers. The red cedar flowers in April-May bearing 4-5 round pollen sacks..

Fruit. The Red Cedar cones are 1/4" in size, bluish berry, bearing 2-3 seeds and are quite attractive but not known to be a food source for critters to my knowledge.

Winter Buds. Small, covered by needles.

Bark. The twigs are greenish to red-brown and smooth, thin light brown on the trunk, exfoliating lengthwise into narrow, persistent strips.

Wood. Eastern Red Cedar wood is aromatic light (30 pounds per cubic foot), soft, close-grained, brittle, weak, durable but easily worked, very fragrant, dull red, with thin whitish sapwood.

Uses. Red cedar is used in cedar chests, pencils, cedar chests, woodenware, fence posts, interior finish and closets.

Pests. Diseases of the red cedar are cedar apple rust and bagworms though neither are a major threat. .

Distribution. Red Cedars are native in southern Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. When you think of a nursery to buy Red Cedar from consider Porcupine Hollow for a good little seedling or transplant

Other. Red Cedar can be used for a hedge, windbreak or as a specimen tree. Red cedar can be difficult to transplant but will be long lived once established.


 Cultivars. Many.


To buy red cedar seedlings or check price and availability click on the drop down menu below. If no menu appears we are sold out till fall.

2/0 10-15" Molly holding Red Cedar seedlings Red Cedar Bark of a mature Red Cedar

Call for B+B prices.

To order red cedar seedling by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone. Call 231-544-6769  Phone orders can be charged to VISA, American Express, Disaster or MasterCard accounts.

To order red cedar seedlings by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

Order Arborvitae by using our secure shopping cart:


Plant Type Age Size Quanity / Price
Arbs-White Cedar 2-0 7-12"
  2-1 8-14"
  2-1, 3-1 10-16"
  2-2 12-18"
  2-2 18-24"
  2-2 24-36"






  click for more Evergreen prices

Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.