Wholesale & Retail Sales
The Hanlon Family
Pat & Laura, Molly Hanlon-Sundstrom


Black Locust - Robinia pseudoacacia

Zone 3-8

"What zone am I located in?" 

Height 30-50',  Spread 20-30'


Habitat:  Grows best in full sun.  Tolerates a wide variety of soils and can grow well in poor soils.  The roots on this tree are aggressive and the Black Locust often spreads through suckers.  Can survive very dry conditions. Can tolerate some salt. Will grow on almost any type of soil.

Habit:  Grows 30-50 feet high.  The trunk diameter is 1-2', but can grow up to 4' in diameter.  The Black Locust has slender branches that grow nearly vertical to form a narrow, irregular, oblong-cylindrical shape.  Very beautiful, elegant tree.

Leaves:  Compound, light blue/green oval leaflets that are alternating.  Leaves are 8-14" long with leaflets that range from 1-2" long.

Flowers:  Beautiful, showy creamy white flowers that bloom from May to June.  Similar to the sweet pea flower, fragrant and about 5 inches long.  Flowers bloom after the leaves come out and are very abundant. 

Fruit:  Thin pods that are light brown in color.  Pods contain kidney bean shaped brown seeds.  They begin to fruit in the fall and the pods stay on the tree throughout the winter months.

Winter Buds:  Small resinous and brown.

Bark: Branches have very sharp strong thorns that can grow up to 1" long. While mowing the yard one day a few years ago I stepped on a Black Locust branch. The thorn penetrated my 3/4" crocks and went into my foot. New twigs are smooth and a green color. Older bark will be red-brown and will darken as the tree ages.  It is rough, with furrows and thick on a mature tree.

Wood:  The Black Locust has heavy and strong wood.  It makes great firewood, burning hot and for a long time. Black Locust is also a very durable wood used in construction.  In the past it has also been used in ship building.  When in contact with the ground it holds up very well for fence posts.  It is pale yellow in color.

Distribution:  Throughout the eastern part of the United States. Native to the Appalachian region. It can be found as far south as Georgia.  Grows well in zones 3-8

Other:  As a member of the pea family, this tree is very valuable as a nitrogen fixer.  It can also help control erosion in places where other trees struggle to grow.  One consideration with this tree is that it is very toxic to humans and livestock.  It should not be planted where livestock graze.  Horses have been known to eat the young shoots of this tree even when there is sufficient forage available.

Cultivars:  Purple Robe, Frisia, Pyramidalis, Twisty Baby™, Umbraculifera


To buy Black Locust seedlings by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone @ 231-544-6769.  Phone orders can be charged to American Express, VISA, Discover or MasterCard accounts.

To buy Black Locust seedling by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. Old State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

To order Black Locust seedlings using our secure shopping cart: 

Click on link below and Black Locust will be listed alphabetically under Locust on our hardwoods pricing page.

               click to order Black Locust

Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.