Wholesale & Retail Sales
The Hanlon Family
Pat, Laura & Molly


Korean Fir  Abies koreana

Zone 5-7 

Height to 50-70' rarely to 70'       Spread 5-15' 


Habitat.  Korean fir is of course native to the southern Korean peninsula in the cool, moist mountainous areas near Mt Halla. Korean fir is on the endangered list as its native habitat covers only 8 square miles and is suffering losses to bamboo encroachment and other possible environmental problems. Prefers acidic soil. Does not winterburn. Growing farther north and south than most firs. The Korean fir breaks bud later than Fraser fir and can handle wetter soils so may be a good choice for those sites where Frasers get burned.


Leaves. The needles of the Korean fir are a lustrous dark green but more often light green, 1/2 to 3/4" long with white stripes on the bottom .


Flowers. Korean fir flower in May, red flowers emerging to beautiful purple cones.

Fruit. The cones of the Korean Fir are erect as in all true firs, 2-3" long and are a very colorful purple. The young cones are in my opinion a real spring visual treat, be sure to look for them this June. As a Christmas tree grower they can be a problem as they are more prolific than fraser cones.


Winter Buds. The buds are small resinous and brown.


Bark. Mature trunks on Korean Fir is rough cinnamon-red, thin, scaly, at length becoming gray, younger trees bark is smooth grayish and resinous.


Wood. The wood is light, soft, weak, coarse- grain with wide rings and lighter colored sapwood.


Pests. The balsam wooly adelgid and spruce budworm are major pests.. These can be generally treated with an application of Sevin.


Distribution. Korean Fir are found naturally only on a small geographic area of South Korea.

Other.  Fine Christmas tree though the Fraser and Douglas fir are more in demand.  Prune leader in late spring to keep new leader from cork screwing. Deer will devour these so be careful.


Cultivars. "Compact dwarf", "Prostrata" a dwarf, "silberlocke" curving silver-white needles.




We have Korean Fir up to 5' tall. Call for B+B prices.



To buy Korean fir seedlings by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone. For your convenience, we have a toll free number  800 568-9179.  Phone orders can be charged to VISA or MasterCard accounts.

To buy Korean fir seedling by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. Old State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

To order Korean fir seedlings using our secure shopping cart:

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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.