River Birch
River Birch Betula nigra
A Birch native to the eastern half of the US on river
bottoms, but grows well in many soils. Great heat and cold
tolerance. Reddish-brown exfoliating bark. River birch is resistant
to the bronze birch borer which attacks most other birches but
aphids are common. While showing some aphids on a birch leaf
to the state bug inspector last summer we were amazed to see the
aphids scooting fast across the leaf being chased by a ladybug, ah
but I
digress.... River birch can grow 40 to 70' and spread 40-60'. All
birches are somewhat short lived trees as compared to a Maple. It
can grow quite fast given enough fertilizer and water. As true with
most birches, River Birch will drop the inner leaves when stressed
by drought. Hardy from zone 3 to 9. The seeds are in a catkin about
1" long and drop the seeds in the spring which can be quite annoying
when working in rows of river birch. They can be propagated fairly
easily by softwood cuttings. Prune in late summer or fall as sap
will run with spring pruning. One can actually make syrup out of the
sap of birches though the sugar content is lower than Maple sap. On
my trip thru the Midwest this spring I noted the wild river birch
growing along the Mississippi river in Illinois. To my surprise I
found the mature trunks on the river birch to be quite plain and
possibly downright ugly for a tree that starts out so beautiful. The
bark takes on a maple like look. To buy river birch seedlings or
transplants click the blue link below.
To order River Birch by PHONE:
We're glad to take your order by phone 231-544-6769. Phone orders can be charged to VISA, American Express,
Discover or MasterCard accounts.
To order River Birch by MAIL: For those who wish to
order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to:
Porcupine Hollow Farm
8593 W. State Rd. Central Lake, Mi. 49622
click for
more hardwood prices
Shipping & Handling: Most orders are
shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.
Please include 20% shipping and packaging with
your order.
Minimum shipping $15
Residents add 6% sales tax.